Thursday, August 20, 2009

No Leisa today?!

I walk into the Journalism Department and Ted Pease, Department Head, shouts, "Thank God you're here!"

New semester, new department head, lots of changes in faculty and staff, and Leisa, the office manager, is sick today.

Leisa knows everything. She's all knowing. She's omniscient you could say. She'll fix your problem no matter what it is. If she doesn't know how to fix it, she'll find out.

I find it hilarious that the department head is excited to see me, the lowly work study student that in all reality, knows next to nothing about running an office. I know how to answer the phone and transfer the call to the right person, take a message, make a few copies, and smile when someone talks to me. Oh, and staple and paper clip papers together. These things are complicated I tell ya!

It makes me feel a little important actually.

But truthfully, I feel comfortable being in charge today.

A girl just said that I knew what I was talking about, so that makes me feel pretty good about myself.

It's a good day!

Happy Fall Semester 2009 everyone... good luck!