Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lensbabies... it's not what you think.

So, I found a site kind of on accident today that I really like. i was reading a blog called The Shutter Sisters and they were talking about their favorite lenses. One of them said their favorite lens was a "Lensbaby" and I had no idea what it was, so I did some research. I ended up on the Lensbaby website. These lenses are really unique, they move around on a ball and socket configuration, which helps to get some really cool shots. It would be fun to play around with one of these lenses.

It just looks so odd to twist and bed the lens like that... I don't know how to describe it, but I'd love to get my hands on one. Their gallery is so cool! Most of the pics on there are amazing. Those pics aren't the kind you shoot with a normal lens... those pictures look like they had a lot of planning and time put into them.

Oh the things I would buy if I had the money, and the time I would waste if I had the money to buy those things! But, think of all the fun I would have... that's what would make it worth it!


  1. My goodness Whitney - don't you know it's dangerous to look at things like this? But it's good to have a dream and a goal... You would accomplish amazing things with equipment like this!

  2. So, Whitney - do you know anything about a light box that could be used for doing food photography? I'm trying to look into one - since I want to do a little more serious photography for the website. Thanks for throwing a study on it...
